Welcome to my blog

Hey there, I am 20 years old and I currently play the micro limits on Pokerstars.
I give myself the chance on becoming a professional pokerplayer until September 2013 and will put most of my time into studying and playing the game to achieve this goal.
I am going to update this blog regulary to keep track of my progress and write about concepts I found important for my development as a player and as a person.

Follow me on my pursuit to become independent as a Poker Pro!


Goal setting, achieving goals and update!

Short update:

November doesnt like me anymore ;) I am still up about +120$ but I am at +450$ of expected value (EV) which makes a difference of 330$
 But it could be worse. I am very happy tho about my poker development and how things are progressing overall! Such a good EV line indicates that I am doing things right and am on the right track.

until november 15th:
Hours: 27 / 40
Days:  9 / 15

november total:
Hours: 27 / 100
Days:  9 / 30

I will keep on grinding and studying with my shedule as it fits me very good. I managed to grind more then 3 hours for the last two days and it wasnt as hard after I set my goals which leads me to the following.

Goal setting:
Without a defined goal, there is no destination. Without a destination there is no path that heads towards what you want.
If you know what you want, you eventually will pick the right path that heads directly to your goal instead of waddling around on a path that takes way longer or even leads you somewhere else.

So at first, set your goal. Make it as specific as possible.
An example:
I want to earn 2000$ a month by the end of the year with poker.

Write all your goals down!
You will build up your short-term goals to achieve your long-term goals.

What am I willing to do to achieve that goal?
- Play atleast 3 hours a day. Study 1 hour a day.
- Review my sessions in detail every tuesday, friday and sunday.
- Every Sunday I will review my overall performance of my work-ethic.

These short-term goals should increase my chance by a ton to achieve my previous stated goal instead of having this way too unspecific statement: "I want to be good at poker".
Whenever I got one more day done and achieved all my short-term goals for that day, I cross it off in my calender. It motivates me even more and just makes me happy that I achieved something.

I also set goals for other things besides poker. Getting better at the piano, improving my sleep patterns and improving my work-ethic overall. For all those goals I have short-term goals to head me to the right direction every day.

That way every day is a productive day for me.

Until two days guys and good luck on your own goals :)

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