Welcome to my blog

Hey there, I am 20 years old and I currently play the micro limits on Pokerstars.
I give myself the chance on becoming a professional pokerplayer until September 2013 and will put most of my time into studying and playing the game to achieve this goal.
I am going to update this blog regulary to keep track of my progress and write about concepts I found important for my development as a player and as a person.

Follow me on my pursuit to become independent as a Poker Pro!


Progress, Results and Job!

This Update wont contain too much valuable content in terms of development and strategy as I didnt had the time to come up with something worth writing about. I promise tho I will come up with some good stuff in my next update so stay tuned :)

Volumewise I am doing great. I have been able to put in more hours then I wanted per day so that goes into the right direction.
Results are a little bumpy as I am running 17 Buy-Ins under EV, yet I am still in the green numbers for this month and we are not even halfway through.

I disabled all statistics that keep track of my Net-$-Won and bb/100 and plan on to hide them from myself until next Sunday to see if it changes my mindset.
Results dont really matter that much in the timeframe of a few days. So bothering about them is probably -EV and preventing myself from getting attached to results will improve my overall mindset I suppose.

until november 15th:
Hours: 36 / 42
Days:  12 / 15

november total:
Hours: 36 / 100
Days:  12 / 30

you might notice that it is 42 hours now until 15th because I messed up writing it down correctly earlier. I will change that tomorrow on all posts.


Today I got my letter from the government and they give me the opportunity to work for them, starting in september next year! I will try my best to get very good at poker and try to make it a more profitable profession then working for the government in that timeframe.
The deadline is set! Lets go!   

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